Friday, September 10, 2010

We've been busy!

It appears as though we abandoned our blog! Good news is we did not abandon our path back to fitness!

We have both continued to lose weight, slowly but surely - and most importantly healthily! I've lost approximately 30lbs since April/May and intend to keep losing. We are also aiming for running the Shamrock 8k in 2011. Our running has increased in terms of duration, our long runs are now approximately 5 miles and short around 3-3.5 miles. We've also incorporated interval training once a week into our workouts.

Not long ago I added a more intensive weight routine. I do this every other day and it involves 5 & 10lb dumbbells, a 6lb medicine ball and a 10lb kettle bell. I am really seeing positive results from adding weights to my exercise routine and seeing more definition gradually particularly in my arms.

Brock is also being more adventurous in terms of food - he's willing to try new healthy clean foods rather than the unhealthy fried southwestern style or out of a box style cooking he was raised on. We've eliminated milk from our diets, my milk of choice is Almond, Brock prefers Soy. I've also started to add more fresh fruits to my diet with breakfast in the morning.

I'm going to try and be better in regards to documenting this important life changing journey! I feel if I document everything we do here it's a form of positive encouragement and a record of everything we've achieved so far.