Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Workplace Kitchen Frustrations

Before you leave the house this morning ask yourself the following questions:
  • Is it really necessary to bring a sodium packed processed meal to work?
  • Why do I need a frozen meal that's going to take 10 minutes to cook in the microwave?
  • Do I really need to grab fast-food? 
  • Why don't I have any healthy alternatives like leftovers or whole grain sandwiches I can bring from home?
  • How can I save money?
Think about this. You work with a woman who moans daily about how EXPENSIVE everything is, yet she either brings a packaged frozen meal to work daily or goes out for fast-food.

Not only is she damaging her health , she's also failing to realize that buying everything pre-packaged isn't CHEAPER, it's just more CONVENIENT.

A nice assortment of vegetables weekly would actually save her A LOT of money on groceries. Packaging leftovers from the night before is no hard task and they take about 1:30 seconds to heat up PLUS you know exactly what went into that meal. Making a packed lunch for your children using wholegrain breads and including healthy snack alternatives isn't hard either.

To top it off you have people like this wondering why everything is so expensive, well duh I wonder why? If you're complaining about something so loudly and vocally and you're determined to do nothing to resolve it, keep your mind open to suggestions for improvement and words of common sense, you most certainly need it.