Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Got my ass kicked today

Not literally, in case that was the only reason you tuned in, sorry for your disappointment.

I woke up early and hit the gym at about 5am. I do this from time to time, but normally I'm an afternoon lifter. Needed to get it out of the way early today because I'm moving and setting up utilities all day long, and we all know how time consuming that is.

So anyways, gym was pretty empty, and it looked like I was going to have a good session. Breezed through the first 6-7 stations, which are all Cybex machines like the picture on the right. Arms were starting to feel tight, and that's a good sign that the workout is being effective. A couple of meat heads came in and started using the bench press and squat stations for an eternity, so I decided to switch it up and do free weights for the rest of the morning, hit my pull-ups and abs, and call it a day.

Well, it suffices to say that I haven't touched free weights in quite some time. I think they are tedious, and boring, and don't do much for me than other weight stations do, so I typically avoid them for everything but curls. Today I got about 20 minutes into it and quickly noticed that I had rivulets of sweat flowing down my face and back, as if I never lifted before. About 5 minutes after that my shirt was completely soaked through, and the bench had standing water on it. Didn't feel exceptionally weak, but could definitely tell I was getting a max workout.

Finally, I finished all that up and spent about 5 minutes wiping everything down ,and then headed over to the pull up and dip bars. Normally, I can do 10 pull ups in a row and about 15 dips in a row in a set. I got up on this thing this morning and struggled to do 3 dips. WTF!!

My arms were completely dead. Triceps were so exhausted I could barely even hold my weight up on them, much less dip and pull myself back up. so I stopped for a minute to rest and thought pull ups may be a bit better, because they involved different muscles. Grabbed on to the bar and excruciatingly did 5 of them before I almost fell off the bar. By this time I'm water logged from sweat, physically exhausted, and thinking my body temperature was at least 106 degrees. For some reason I told myself "do 1 more set of 5 pull ups and then GTFO". If you don't know what GTFO means, ask your mom and dad. Or just google it.

Anyhow, I grabbed on to this bar, which seemed at least 4 feet higher than it was 2 minutes ago, and struggled to do 3 pull ups before gravity took over and pulled me to the ground, hard. Like, almost straight onto my ass and then the back of my head hard. i took that as a cue and promptly left them gym with my dignity intact.

Opened the door to the parking lot and lo and behold a frigging hurricane had popped up while I was in there. On top of that, I had parked about 100 feet farther away than normal for reasons unknown, so on top of my shirt being soaked through every piece of my clothing gets to be uniform. What a way to start the day. Hoping thing improve, but not looking likely.

Until next time!

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