Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Return from Vacation and back to normality

We've been back from our trip for a few weeks now. We actually got a lot of walking done due to the exploring. We did eat a lot of bad food though, but hey we've been really good with our diet prior to then! Have to live it up every so often, right?!

Thanksgiving wasn't so bad in terms of over consumption. Just one plate of food is what I limit myself to on that day and a nice desert.  Brock had family over and of course his Mother had to cook one of his favorite dishes and we STILL have leftovers!

I've actually lost about 3 or 4 lbs. I was sick for a few days and hopefully it's not just due to that but due to my controlled eating and working out! This week we've started back into our old workout routine. I have started Zumba at home, I needed something for the winter since it's a lot colder outside now and darker in the evenings, making it harder to run. We're also going to be joining one of the local gyms next month. We tested out Inlet Fitness - which was awesome but out of our budget and Planet Fitness, you guessed it Planet Fitness is our choice because it's so cheap. That way I'll be able to use actual weight machines and different cardio equipment. Currently I'm just using my elliptical at home and doing free weights.

My next fitness goal is within reach and only a couple of pounds away now! It's really exciting looking at the progress we've been making and how we're both changing physically and mentally.

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