Tuesday, January 18, 2011

People Observations at the Gym

When we're at the gym I mostly keep my head down and just workout. However, there's always one or two people that make an effort to be seen for attention and make a little too much noise.

1. Young 20 something girl with recent boob job. This girl obviously had some work done. She's proud of that work and constantly sticks out her chest as a result. After 5 reps of working out she sits on the bench and stares at herself in the mirror fixing her hair. She repeats this process at least 6 more times during her "workout".

2. Middle aged woman who likes to make extra noise! She doesn't care if you are fixing weights for your workout on that machine. She moves in and steals it from right in front of you.As you wait for the machine to free up she begins to huff and puff extra loudly and is eventually semi-screaming as she rows back and forth.

3. Young meatheads. These guys are there to lift primarily. Or so they'd like us to think! Sneaking peaks at the female gym members is their forte, often times making some of the women feel their staring and turn to look. Save it for the bar guys, most women are at the gym feeling hot, sweaty and gross and don't appreciate you checking them out!

4. The no resistance, no program cardio user. These people think they are getting a workout from a cardio machine at zero resistance and 3.5 mph. It's surprising how many of these people there are at our gym, I'm pretty sure no one showed them how to use any of the programs or increase the inclines.

5. The weight dropper. Planet Fitness has a great Lunk Alarm for this purpose, but there's some guys that just don't get it and continually drop their weights. Bend your knees and go down slowly with your weights to the floor. It's not that hard if you can pick it up in the first place right?

6. The overweight person that isn't even trying. Unfortunately a lot of the people we see that are overweight barely do anything at the gym. Walking for 15 minutes at 3 mph with zero incline isn't going to help you get anywhere. Solution? Save some money, put on a coat and sneakers and go outside and walk around your neighborhood. You're obviously not ready to use the gym to the fullest.

7. The person who doesn't know what a drawstring is. Sure it happens but please pull your pants back up! One time a guy went for a bout 5 minutes before a trainer was nice enough to pull his pants up for him - yes his butt was exposed and he wasn't wearing underwear. How can you not notice that? I don't even...

More stereotypes will be added as I discover them!

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