Friday, October 8, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

I'm almost at another weight milestone which is great - weighed myself this morning for the first time in a few weeks and I'm heading back down again. Hopefully I'll be past that hump in a few weeks so I can aim for my next milestone!

Today was a good food day I think. We did end the day naughty but hey it's that time of year right? Started out with cereal and almond milk as usual. Snacked on Almonds and Walnuts at work mid-morning, had a turkey sandwich and some pita chips for lunch, followed by a yogurt for my afternoon snack.

Our weekly interval training was tonight - weather was absolutely beautiful today, did our 8 sets of 200 meter jog/sprint combos (2 miles total). Came home and did my usual weight routine which we're thinking of mixing up quite soon.

For dinner tonight we had some spaghetti and meatballs while watching our guilty pleasure "Jersey Shore: Miami", why is Sammy so stupid? Anyway... NAUGHTY us decided to check out Dairy Queen on the way home... SURE ENOUGH, Pumpkin Pie Blizzard was available... so we both got a small one of those! Who can resist? And they are for a limited time, give us a break! I guess that will be our weekend splurge!

Tomorrow we're aiming for a 5 mile run on the Boardwalk. Hopefully it won't be too cold but last week I invested in a lightweight jacket and long running pants (Target C9) that will keep me warm and dry in the upcoming winter months. I think us running the Boardwalk will really help us work towards the Shamrock and get used to the surfaces. We have been doing a lot of trail running lately which I strongly believe has really enabled us to easily increase our distance. Our long run on Sunday will be on the trails though. it is the best and honestly I love the feeling of just being out there with all the trees and the beautiful inlet views. It's best when the sun sets though! We were discussing how long our long run really is, we thought originally it was 6.5 miles. Now we're wondering if it's actually 7 - we need a Garmin watch!

Not long now until I see my family!

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