Saturday, October 2, 2010

Increasing Mileage

For the past 3 weekends and then of course tomorrow we have increased our long run mileage. We've been running 6.5 miles once a week in addition to our shorter 3-4 mile runs! It's a great achievement for us both, particularly myself.

Having never been a fan of long distance and not very good at it I'm quite impressed with my progress so far. All of this work is helping me build up my endurance for the Shamrock 8k next year.

One thing about running 6.5 miles is you realize just how hard that first 1.5 miles can be! Honestly, that part is where I struggle the most. It's almost like a warm up to the rest of the run! Once I hit 2 miles it appears to be easier and we often speed up for the last 0.5 to finish things up.

We've been running mostly on the trails at First Landing. We get a mixture of raw trail/dune running in addition to some softer asphalt trails and then a short stretch of road. We do need to start some more road running quite soon to condition ourselves for the upcoming 8k. We'll most likely start that when we return from our vacation.

As well as our regular running we have been implementing interval training into our schedule for the past few months. The past two times we have stepped up our efforts and have been doing 2 miles worth of 200 meters of jogging and then 200 meters of approximately 60% more speed. The goal here is that hopefully this interval training will enable us to increase our mile pace over time. Only time will tell of course!

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