Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Boring Rest Day

Ugh. Another rest day. Another very crucial day for my body to heal from all the pain and turmoil I've been putting it through. I get it, it's an important part of losing weight and gaining muscle.

So why do I feel like such a lazy bum? I really want to go running or play basketball. I am highly motivated to put my body in motion today. This is usually the case on my scheduled rest day, whereas on the days I have to work out I can be lethargic and unmotivated.

I suppose I can at least find something productive to do with my time off today. The closets and bathroom are begging for a spring cleaning because we are moving soon. I'll probably tackle that and then go through my clothes and donate all the stuff I don't wear anymore.

Resisting sitting on my ass and playing Call of Duty until Jasmine gets home will be a lesson in will power. I've not been able to resist it in the past.

Hell you know what, maybe I'll just go for a quick 2 mile run anyhow. I'm not that sore.

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