Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hi again

Wow it's been awhile huh? I need to get better at this whole blog thing.

I've been pretty busy as of late. My job has just switched to summertime operations, it being a resort town and all, so overtime is beginning to spike and I have to fit everything into an even tighter schedule. I've been keeping up on my workout routines though. I've made that a top priority for this summer. I'm trying to drop another 20-30 pounds before we fly to Europe this fall, so the airplane seats won't be tight and uncomfortable for 16 straight hours. This will be the first time that I have ever ridden in an airplane where that isn't the case, so that will be pretty awesome.

The weight lifting is going extremely well. I can tell a definite increase in total weight lifted, as well as reps, since I began taking the Body Fortress Advance Creatine mix. It's an incredible supplement. I can see my muscles beginning to get more defined, and feel slimmer overall since I began using it. The only downside is that I am actually gaining weight because of all the muscle I'm putting on. Hopefully it begins to even out when the fat starts melting off because of this new muscle. It will remain to be seen.

My running is progressing as well. I ran 3.5 miles earlier this morning through the suburbs and broke my PR once again. I'm finally down to a 12 minute pace, which is way below the pace I was 2 months ago. On Monday morning I went out to the beach and ran 4 miles at the crack of dawn, down by the water where the sand is firmest. I went into the run thinking it was going to be excruciating, as I heard all kinds of stories about it working new muscles in your legs. The first mile was a little tough, but then I got into it and knocked out the next 2 miles pretty effortlessly. The last mile however, was very tough. It will definitely have to be something I mix into my routine once a week.

It's pretty neat finding new things to vary your workout, and I'm always looking for that. Anything to get an advantage and burn this lard off quicker in aces in my book.

To close out, how useless are gas-powered leaf blowers? I saw no fewer than 10 people blowing grass clipping off their driveways with these ridiculous contraptions. Is it too much of an imposition to break out the push broom to sweep off your 10 foot by 4 foot driveway? You really have to be so lazy to burn a precious commodity to blow away something the freaking wind will blow right back 10 minutes later, you vain jackass? Don't get me wrong, I can see how a landscaping business can put these to use for efficiency, but there is absolutely no reason why a residential homeowner needs this equipment.

Anyhow, I guess that's enough of my rambling. See ya around.

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