Sunday, April 11, 2010

Things that are pissing me off today

#1 - People who sit on the bench press station for 30 minutes at a time, doing one rep with a certain weight, then putting more weight on, doing that over and over again. 25 minutes of their whole time there is spent walking around the gym, bothering other people who are there to get a workout in. There are other people who want to use that station, jerk. Speed it up a bit and quit dicking around. And yes, I do go to a gym that has only one bench press station set up, so I guess I am partly to blame here.

#2 - People who come to the gym in jeans and a casual polo shirt and sit on a piece of cardio equipment for a few minutes at a time but sign up for the whole hour. First of all, see #1. What the hell is your point? Most of the time you and your ilk only go for 10 minutes on the lowest resistance possible, usually while reading the newest issue of Star Magazine. You tie up multiple pieces of equipment that people want to use for a real workout, and you effectively kill some people's exercise routine. My gym has a limited amount of cardio equipment (more than just 1, like the bench press though), and to have all of them tied up for hours for people like this is disheartening. You pay 60 bucks to go there, and for what? To sit on your butt and read a magazine? You don't have a toilet at home you can do that on? You people are the worst.

#3 - Losing weight. Yeah I said it. There are downsides to losing weight, even though I want and need to do it badly. First and foremost is buying new clothes every month. I just bough two pairs of jeans and work pants 2 weeks ago and now they are too big already. It's highly annoying, but I guess ultimately a good thing. Still, kind of pisses me off.

#4 - People who take 5 minutes to turn right into a parking lot on a major road. Do NOT get me started on these idiots. Seriously, I could rail on this sometime in the future.

I'll stop here. Check back in a few when I have more to add, because I'm not done by any means.

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