Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Perils of Road Running

Yesterday I almost died at 3 separate times in my 6 mile run. It started out as a great day. 75 degrees and sunny, I had a run all mapped out in advance, and I felt good. I started out really good, got about 3 miles in and fit hit the shan when I turned left when I was supposed to turn right.

Within about a quarter of a mile the landscape and housing changed from a suburban setting to an overgrown, backwoods, Texas Chainsaw Massacre setting. I could have turned around and went back the way I came but I thought for sure that the main road connected up to the street I was on about a mile ahead. I continued on, keeping a close eye out for snakes but not a close enough eye out for bottomless holes, one of which I almost went head first into. It was covered with various sticks and vegetation. Not sure what was in the bottom of it, but I am fairly certain I would have died there and never been found. So that was cool.

Continuing on I turned down what I thought to be the connecting road, which ultimately turned out to be a really long paved driveway. Once I got far enough to realize my error, I also realized that I was being chased down by a huge black dog. I picked up a stick and stopped and it stood about 10 feet in front of me snarling and barking for about 5 minutes. Every time I turned around to go the other way it would try to rush me and if I backed up he would just follow me. I thought for sure I was about to be in a fight so I lost it and just started screaming at it. Apparently that did the trick because I was able to inch my way out. I got about 100 feet from it and ran pretty hard to the end of the driveway.

The adrenaline boost from that encounter was pretty awesome. I ran the next two miles (back the way I already came) with no problems whatsoever. No aches, a faster pace, no short breath. After the two miles it all fell apart though. Immediately my knees started aching and I felt weak in my quads and calves. I got back to my half way point and realized I still had 3 miles to go. I ran through the pain for about 2 more miles and cut through a yard to get to the next block over, where my car was, to go home and rest.

My knees are not happy with me today. After planning on running 6 miles at the most, which would have been a huge accomplishment in itself, I ended up running 7.5-8. I definitely need a rest day today.

Oh, the third time I almost died? A van saw me running on the left side of the road, 2 empty plastic trash cans on the right, and decided to swerve way out of the way of the cans and almost clip me with his fender. I had to jump out of the way of it. Heaven forbid you take any damage from the plastic lightweight cans dude. Some people here, no check that, most people here are rude and inconsiderate jerkwads. Not angry, just stating a fact.

Til next time.