Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stupid Musings

I died a little inside today when I realized that today was the last day I would enter "29" into the elliptical machine at the gym when it asks for my age. Tomorrow is my 30th birthday, a day that I have dreaded since I was able to walk, because it means you have to start worrying about your health and other adult-related things. So when I wake up tomorrow I'll cry a little and then I'll get out of bed and life will go on. Hopefully.

Enough of the sob story. Why was I at the gym today instead of running 4 miles, as was my original plan? Well, I left it too late in the day, and when I got out around 12:30 to run, I quickly realized that I didn't apply sunblock, and the temperature was hovering around 90 with no wind and the sun beating straight down on me. The thought of 4 agonizing, sweat soaked miles ending with a severe sunburn that would put me on the shelf for a week deterred me just enough to drive the 2 minutes to the gym and hop on a machine for an hour. Don't worry, I plan on getting the run in tomorrow morning, before the sun gets really pissed off.

The gym was nice and quiet, which is a rarity. scarce are the days where I can walk right in, get on a machine and ride it for a full hour. I could have gone alot longer if I wanted to, but I'm running 2 miles at Trashmore with Jasmine later tonight so I decided not to push it. You can only reserve the machines for a half hour at a time, which blows, but I usually stay on until someone comes in and tells me they signed up. Normally the gym is packed and you only end up getting 30 minutes of cardio time in, which is why I normally avoid it. Today was good though.

The only guy in the weight room was the balding 40 year old guy who wears khaki pants and a tank top every day to show off his super wicked pecs and biceps. I can't stand the guy. He has to grunt on every lift he does and will stand in front of the mirror and check himself out for 5 minutes a pop, right after doing curls. He literally does about 15 sets of curls a day too. One time he tried to bench about 300 pounds or so and asked me to come off of my station and spot him. I was annoyed but walked over there. About 10 seconds later something on ESPN caught my eye and I woke up to him with the weight on his chest, trying to tell me to take it. Funny, he's never asked me to spot him again. I like it that way.

I guess that's enough for today. See ya round.

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